Sunday, July 8, 2012

Big swollen feet


Last Sunday I had a come to Jesus talk with myself about my feet.  It seems like I have been dealing with them forever and I am sick of it.  But when I really think about it I haven’t been as aggressive as I should be with trying to get better.  There has been a lot of “research” and internal debate about what I should be doing but not a lot of action has gone into my heels other than my self prescribed “rest”.  But considering my job has me on my feet for 14 hours a day for at least three days a week that rest idea has gone by the wayside.

huge feet are a sign of bigfoot

…and painfully swollen.

So for the last seven days I have faithfully done some stretching, icing and rolling of my feet.  It sucks, because the whole process takes at least 30 minutes since I have to do both feet.  BUT I can say that I have seen a small improvement.  They still hurt but the pain is not as extreme as in the past.  I don’t have a secret desire to cut my own feet off anymore.  So I am taking these small victories and rolling with them.  Still no running yet.  I’m too nervous for that but I’m hoping soon.


Well, my feet might be winning at least.

Speaking of running, I have an opportunity to possibly purchase a Sole F63 treadmill used.  We are mulling the decision over. And by we I mean DJ has said do it and I can’t decide if we should  and where in the world would we put it????  No really, tell me where I can put it so that I can just buy it and cancel my gym membership.


I plan on going over and test running on it to make sure it suits my stride and has enough power and then I just might take the plunge and purchase a giant clothes drying rack treadmill.


Time for “therapy”.

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